Friday, January 20, 2012

have no fear

"Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it."
                                                                  -Salvador Dali

I needed to start this blog today. I don't know why. I don't know why I've been so afraid of perfection that I couldn't ever start sharing our life. I keep thinking I have nothing to share until we reach perfection around here.

But I was rocking a sick Calvin in the nursery this morning and thinking about all the beautiful things in my life and how much of my time I spend focusing on the bad, the negative, or the incomplete. And I'd rather just be grateful. When the weather is dark and grey and the rain is dripping down the windows it's somehow easier to appreciate the lovely lines of the trim around the doors and to forget about the dents and dings that need repairing.

I don't usually make New Year's resolutions. And I'm decidedly not Chinese. But maybe this is my Chinese New Year's goal (do people do such a thing?): to be grateful. To challenge myself to find something to be grateful about every day.

Today, it's a new haircut. It's silly. It's small (literally). But it took 2 minutes to style this morning. Two minutes! And that's amazing. To feel good and look good as a mom is huge. It's something to be grateful for. It's not perfection, but it's good.


  1. Huzzah!!

    I'm part Chinese and I was wondering the same thing about resolutions this morning. From my experience, it's mostly about cleaning our your house, getting your hair cut, changing your sheets, and getting/giving red envelopes full of money. And eating dumplings. I don't see why we can't resolve to do things, too!

  2. I am looking forward to reading this every day (or however often you write.)
    I too waited for perfection to happen to do some things, and it never did so I never did them. Kudos to you for starting! I love the look of your blog.

  3. As I said before, cute haircut! And I'm glad your blogging. I've fallen off the wagon with my own blog and fallen off the wagon when it comes to reading others' blogs -- like Bob's blog. I told her I was mending my ways.

  4. I love dumplings!

    Day 3 of new hair...still loving it even though we're still kind of getting to know each other!

