Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dishwasher leprechauns

Our dishwasher has a little ramp on the door that (it turns out) is the perfect size, angle, and speed for racing matchbox cars. Liam can sit there forever and send car after car down the ramp. Lucky for him, Calvin disapproves of this behavior and likes to take the cars off the door and put them back in the basket. The basket from which Liam replenishes his stash. Teamwork. That's what we teach around here.

And how can you resist those little ginger heads today?


  1. I can't resist them! Can we please dress them up as leprechauns next year?!

  2. How can you resist them EVER?

  3. Most adorable leprechauns ever.

  4. Them be some cute little boys!

