Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday's grey

We're still progressing around here. Slowly.

Chris has spent the past few days mudding and sanding and (new discovery!) removing wallpaper from the playroom walls. And he's been a trooper. After his mudding efforts resulted in hideous blistering, he decided to call in our Russian friend. Turns out the blisters were caused by wallpaper beneath the hideous textured walls. Who lived here?

So the Russian will be finishing the plaster repair on the walls and ceiling. Which frees Chris up to do something (childcare?). I've been working the past two days, so my projects are sadly stalled. Speaking of stalled, you should see our hallways. I'll get a picture up tomorrow. They're crammed full of furniture from three rooms as we do projects, make changes, and move pieces out of the house. There are two bathroom vanities in the hall.

Shower curtain, trash can, shower rod, TP holder, and bath towels have arrived. The boys have a new dresser in their bedroom and the office has their bookshelves in it. Things are changing. More pictures (hopefully!) tomorrow.

It's a good thing we have such wide hallways and immobile babies. Speaking of immobile babies, here's an outtake from their 12-month mesaversary photo shoot. That boy is definitely on the move! Videos of the boot-scoot(-boogie) are forthcoming, I promise!


  1. "Steve Huey of Allmusic contrasts Brooks' and Dunn's voices, saying that Dunn 'was the quietly intense singer with the soulful voice, while Kix Brooks played the part of the high-energy showman.'" So I guess that means Liam would be Dunn and Calvin would be Brooks!

