Saturday, February 4, 2012

Busy busy busy

Wow, where did the week go? Things have been crazy around here! The chaos is unbelievable. I'm waiting for my paint to dry so I can put on another coat. In the meantime, I thought I'd try to share some pictures with you. We've gotten a few things crossed off our list (which, you may notice, has grown!). Once the painting in the bathroom is done, those items will start falling like dominos. The playroom plaster repair work is almost done, so we just might get there after all!

Hallway 1
Hallway 2
Playroom ceiling/walls post-demolition, pre-repairs
Damaged plater awaiting new plaster
More damaged plaster (do you see Pinocchio?)
A primed bathroom!
I should be back tomorrow with a big bathroom update (it's now painted, scrubbed, and getting put back together...yes, this post extended beyond paint drying time).


  1. I can't wait to see it! By the way, did I ever mention how much like your title? I like it thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much.

  2. Did you guys open up the ceiling in that room? That's the old dining room, right?

  3. That is the old dining room! Turns out there was a coved ceiling behind that 1960s popcorn-textured beauty. It changes the whole room!

    Did I ever mention how much I like you, Jaime?

  4. I love that you discovered a pretty ceiling.

    I love the ceilings in your house. And that one just didn't feel right.

